Become a Volunteer

Our volunteers work side-by-side helping chip the trails or rid our parks of invasive species. Every spring, volunteers help educate children about the parks in our School in the Park annual program.

How do you become a volunteer? It’s easy. You can sign up here on our website. We’ll reach out to you prior to our next event to understand your availability / interest. We all share our parks and we appreciate any time our neighbors can spend time helping us keep our promise. Thank you.

If you are new, click the Volunteer button below, Complete the form and we’ll reach out to you when those opportunities arise. Thank you.

If you’ve volunteered with us before, head straight to the Events Page to sign up for the days that work best for you.


Gear up:

You’ll be working in the woods! For protection from the elements (insects, poison ivy, a scratch from vegetation, or thirst):

  • Wear long sleeves, long pants, close-toed shoes and a possibly a hat.

  • Apply sunscreen or bug spray as appropriate.

  • Bring work gloves or gardening gloves if you have them, but there will be extras at the site.

  • Bring water for your own consumption.

Tool up:

If you have clippers or loppers, bring them, but there will be extras at the site.

Show up:

Arrive at the meeting point about 5 mins early if you can. You will sign in, and work party leaders will explain the day’s tasks. You’ll get a buddy or team if you want that. Leaders will distribute tools or supplies as needed, then take everyone to the work site.

Team up:

Groups or families are welcome. Sign up group of any size from your workplace, house of worship, neighborhood, school or organization. Volunteers are not required to stay three hours, though student volunteers’ service time will be tracked.

Work up a sweat:

Site preparation tasks often include lopping the bad-boy shrubs or vines at their base, dragging branches to a pickup location in the park, or pulling out invasive groundcovers like English Ivy and Vinca.

Clean up:

  • When you leave, please tell one of the leaders and sign out.

  • If you used borrowed tools, drop them off where asked.

  • It’s a good idea to get in the habit of washing clothes and showering after working in close contact with vegetation.

Stay safe!

Take tick-borne illnesses seriously.

  • Dress for tick protection - close-toed shoes, socks, long sleeves and long pants, a hat.

  • After working, shower or check your skin closely.

  • Wash clothes or put them in a hot dryer for 10 minutes.

Trail Chipping and Maintenance

Every year the MLNC gathers the community of volunteers to chip the trails and gravel in muddy spots. A great workout and a great source of volunteer hours for high school students.

Invasives Days

Volunteer to help rid our parks of invasive species of plants. Bring gloves and water. Instruction and camaraderie are provided.

Every May the MLNC along with the School District bring every 3rd grader to Bird Park for a day to learn about nature and the creatures that inhabit it. This is entirely volunteer driven and instructors are always need. Content and materials are provided.

Tree Planting

Over the last 20 years, the MNLC has planted over 1,500 trees ….