School in the Park


Dates for School in the Park 2024:

Markham - May 16, 2024; P.M.

Hoover - May 16, 2024; A.M.

Lincoln - May 14, 2024; A.M.

Foster - May 15, 2024; A.M.

Jefferson - May 13, 2024; A.M.

Howe - May 21, 2024; A.M.

Washington - May 20, 2024; A.M.


You may choose which station and school(s) you’d like to teach.

If at all possible, it really helps the program to have people teach more than once.

Click here to sign up.


The School District requires all volunteers to have clearances.

Information on obtaining this can be found on the district’s website.

Instructor Materials

Please review your station’s content and plan your instruction on the files to the left. All the materials mentioned will be provided.

Additionally, please review the general instructor guidelines.

We are incredibly lucky to have Mt. Lebanon High School juniors enrolled in the Environmental Geoscience class assist each instructor and guide the 3rd graders to their stations. Please ensure that these students instruct a portion of each session.


Sign ups for a brief in person training will be released in early April and will occur in late April/early May.

Thank you!

Thank you so much for being a School in the Park Instructor. We could not do this without you! If you have any questions about the schedule, materials, or anything else related to School in the Park, please contact Sarah at